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Alcuni tutorial su AJaX e dintorni

We should all generate our own knowledge not just absorb all that we have learned. In order to attain our full intellectual potential, we need both the scholar and innovator in us.


Ricordo che AJaX è un’architettura per le applicazioni Web basata su:

Questi sono alcuni dei tutorial e delle risorse in tema che ho trovato nella history del mio browser:

Dynamic HTML and XML: The XMLHttpRequest Object – AJaX prima di AJaX.

Microsoft first implemented the XMLHttpRequest object in Internet Explorer 5 for Windows as an ActiveX object. Engineers on the Mozilla project implemented a compatible native version for Mozilla 1.0 (and Netscape 7). Apple has done the same starting with Safari 1.2 …

A New Approach to Web Applications – Il documento “originario” di Jesse James Garrett.

Guide to Using AJAX and XMLHttpRequest – L’introduzione di WebPasties.

Getting Started with Ajax di Aaron Gustafson su ALA.

Nitty Gritty Ajax di Adam DuVander su webmonkey.

Simple Introduction to AJAX and XMLHttpRequest su AJAX Freaks.

Very Dynamic Web Interfaces di Drew McLellan, sull’essenza di AJaX.

La serie Mastering Ajax di Brett McLaughlin: Introduction to Ajax, Make asynchronous requests, Advanced requests and responses, Exploiting DOM for Web response, Manipulate the DOM.

How to Develop Web Applications with AjaxParte 1, Parte 2, Parte 3.

A Designer’s Guide to Prototyping Ajax di Kevin Hale.

AJAX:Getting Started su Mozilla Developer Center.

Get dynamic Web content with HTTPRequest di Doug Davis.

Sending Email with AJAX: Developing the Client-Side Application Layer

AJAX from Scratch: Implementing Mutual Exclusion in JavaScript

AJAX: Asynchronous Java + XML? di Coach K. Wei.

Build dynamic Java applications di Philip McCarthy.

ASP.NET AJAX framework comparison

Prototype: Easing AJAX’s Pain di Bruce Perry.

Core JavaScript 1.5 Reference

DOM (Document Object Model) Reference

The XMLHttpRequest Object W3C Working Draft

Ajax il grande

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